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Xylella fastidiosa: the biggest enemy of Italy’s olive trees?
Italy defies the EU and halts a cull of olive trees
'Olive Tree Killer' rife in Corsica
Corsica's olives threatened by deadly bacteria
Two hundred year old olive tree infected by killer virus culled
Olive Trees Removed Amid Protests From Pipeline Site in Italy
D. Verweire | Tackling Xylella in Olives through a novel approach to targeted precision injectio...
Italy's Olive Trees Under Threat From Deadly Bacteria
EFSA Workshop on Xylella fastidiosa: 12 November 2015, (Part 1)
Toxic storm of unseasonal weather and pests pushing up olive oil prices
European Conference on Xylella fastidiosa (Part 2)
European Conference on Xylella fastidiosa (Part 6)